Our Wealth Planning Philosophy | ELITEAM Financial Strategies

Holistic Financial Strategy

With years of combined experience and expertise, we have created, designed, and implemented custom financial strategies that empower our clients to achieve their  financial goals. 

We start with a comprehensive look at your current financial situation and/or possibly your current health situation. From there, our team will collaborate and build you a roadmap. Once we have the roadmap, we present you with our recommendation of the best financial vehicles to get you to your destination as  efficiently as possible.

Tax efficiency, leverage, safety and growth.

Collaborative Approach

At ELITEAM Financial Strategies we believe in an educational and collaborative design approach when building our financial strategies. By utilizing this collaborative, team approach, we can draw on the strengths of the entire ELITEAM, not just one advisor. We work together to analyze where you are, where you want to be, and help you design and implement a custom roadmap to get you there. 

We have specialists in life insurance, retirement planning, estate planning, tax planning, wealth accumulation, real estate investing, and more.

Our Wealth Planning Philosophy | ELITEAM Financial Strategies

Our Wealth Planning Philosophy | ELITEAM Financial Strategies

Our Vision

Our shared vision at ELITEAM Financial Strategies is to create healthy client relationships by implementing a collaborative design process, stress-tested strategies, and a client-focused service model. We want to be your trusted partner for life.

Integrity First, Humanity Always.

Operating in our clients best interest and with the highest level of integrity is a non-negotiable at EFS. We understand that without trust there is no chance at a healthy relationship with our clients. It is also paramount to be aware of the human element of finance. At EFS we are often dealing with peoples health and mortality, life savings, retirement plans, college savings plans, and many more major life plans. We treat these life events with care and thoughtful planning to ensure our clients success.